give her the chance to begin again and to write a new story
Partner with us so that your contribution makes a difference and maximize the impact of your giving. Fight for her freedom and champion her recovery with your gift today.



Donors in the USA
All donations are tax deductible.
To make your contribution electronically click here.
If you prefer to mail a check please make it payable to TEAM and write "Alba Safe House & Recovery Program - Italy" in the MEMO section.
Please send your check to:
TEAM PO Box 1683
Carol Stream, IL
Donatori in Italia
Collabora con noi e massimizza l'impatto della tua donazione. Combatti oggi per la sua libertà e difendi la sua guarigione con il tuo dono.
Per donare con bonifico bancario:
Associazione Alba APS​
Banca Popolare di Sondrio
IBAN: IT35F05 6965 0670 0000 2564 8X29
Per donare il tuo 5x1000 ad Alba:
Inserire il nostro codice fiscale 03822190124 e la tua firma nell'apposito spazio “sostegno degli enti del Terzo settore” della tua dichiarazione dei redditi.
Donors Outside the USA and Italy
Partner with us and maximize the impact of your giving.
Fight for her freedom and champion her recovery with your gift today.
Thank you for standing with us for her freedom with your generous gift today!
"Let those who love the Lord be like the rising of the sun in all its might.” Judges 5:31
​You are making a difference in the life of a woman escaping sex trafficking.
She has survived but she wants to thrive. She is ready to write a new life story and
she needs to know she's not alone.
Together we can empower her transformation,
from brokenness to healing,
from exploitation to restoration,
from survivor to thriver.
Give refuge. Give hope. Give true freedom.
Give her the chance for a new beginning and a bright future.
Partnerships like yours have enabled us to open the doors at Alba so that the restoration process
may begin. Your continued partnership gives her the opportunity to rebuild her life one step at a time! Thank you for championing her freedom and helping her to hope again!
One-Time, Monthly, Quarterly, Annual
Your special gift of any amount makes her refuge, restoration and reintegration possible.
Your monthly, quarterly or annual giving enables us to be a stable place for survivors
to receive the wraparound care they need to heal and to develop strength for
the ongoing journey of recovery.

Provides the safe space for her and many Alba residents to live and heal by covering the entire cost of the Alba property purchase.
All amounts have been listed in Euros based on our budget*